Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hope in God Psalm 42:5


Psalm 42:5

The writer of the psalm seemed to have understood what it is like to have a
downcast spirit. In this psalm, he expressed an emotion that many people today
battle. As the times grow more challenging, many people are struggling with
downcast and downcast spirits.

The feelings of many could be summed up in these words;

“I am bowed down and brought very low,
all day long I go about mourning.” (Psalm 38)

How many people go through life believing in their hearts that all hope is
gone? Are you like many, overwhelmed with struggles and brought low?
Are you one who approaches each day believing that all hope is gone? Is
your soul downcast and your spirit disquieted? The Psalmist offers these
comforting words: “Hope in God.”


If you look at the faces of people, what you might see are people who are
weary, concerned, and pressed down by the challenges of life. There might
be those who feel crushed in spirit and burdened with heavy loads. These are
people who are seeking hope and the strength just to make it through the journey. Some have lost hope and have given in to cynicism and resignation.
Their spirits have been broken to the point that they might say in the words
of the psalm;

“I am overcome by sorrow;
strength me, as you have promised.” (Psalm 119:28)

There are many reasons why people might feel this way. In these times,
many are either struggling to find employment or hold on to their jobs. Then
there those who are struggling with financial or with health issues, family
and relationship problems, the list can go on and on. Pressures from all of
these problems can build up and they can cause people to just crack up.

Now days, there are stories about people who are struggling overwhelming odds. They just pressing on, but each day, they become weary and feel like
giving up. Those who throw in the towel and give up might say; “Oh what’s the
use?” Whatever fight that they had in them has vanished, and whatever hope
that they had has fallen away. When people place all of their hopes in worldly
things, they soon learn that in time, such hopes fail. This kind of hope is not
built upon a firm foundation, but on human aspirations.

There are many people who are neither sympathetic nor understanding towards
those who have a downcast spirit. Those who feel down or depressed might
find themselves shunned and ridiculed. They are seen as weak and whiners who
can’t stand under pressure. If the one who is suffering is a Christian, he might
even receive harsh treatment from other Christians. Such people might be told
that their faith is not strong enough, or that God is punishing them for a
particular sin.

Those who are unbelievers might taunt the sufferer by asking; “Where is
your God? Why isn’t he helping you?” They might to urge the sufferer to
abandon all faith and trust in God. The world seems to offer different solutions
for those who are hurting and downcast. This could range from reading different books to counseling. There is nothing wrong with these approaches,
they can be beneficial. They should not replace faith and trust in a loving and
caring God. He alone offers comfort and peace and restoration. The Holy Spirit
points us to the one who can lift us up and give us strength and hope for the

Michael Carter

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sweet is the name of Jesus

Sweet is the name of Jesus. The sweetest name that calms all fears;
Sweet is the name of him, who speaks words of comfort and wipes away all tears.
Comfort of the sorrowful. He gives joy to the heart;
Sweet presence of love and grace that never will depart.

Sweet is the name of Jesus. That holy name that speaks of peace and love;
Praise be to him, who showers down his rich blessing from heaven above.
He freely gave of himself for us. He is the source of all salvation and forgiveness;
He gave his Spirit to lead all believers into holiness.

Blessed be the name of Jesus. Praise to the God of our salvation;
He is worthy to be thanked and praised by all of creation.
At this most holy name, let all before him bend the knee;
Praise him all you saints. Let his name be praised, now and through all eternity.

Michael Carter 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Punching holes in the darkness

In nineteenth century London, a young boy was looking out the window of his bedroom, into the darkness. He watched a man lighting the gas street lights. The
man would go from lamp to lamp, he’d climb up a ladder, light the lamp and go
to the next one. With each lite lamp, more and more light would shine through the darkness. His mom entered the room. “What are you doing?” She asked. The boy said; “I’m watching a man punch holes in the darkness.”

There are many who sit in darkness-spiritual darkness. They sit in the darkness of sin and unbelief. Because of spiritual darkness, many can’t or won’t acknowledge that they need to be brought out of the darkness and embrace the
Light of God.

The Bible declares that the Light of God has come into the world. Jesus is that light that brings all out of the darkness of sin. All who trust in Jesus, walk not in
Darkness, but in his light. Jesus said of himself;

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never
walk in darkness; but will have the light of life.”
(John 8:12)

There is much darkness in our world. There are many people who are walking
in darkness and need the light of Christ. The task of the people of God is to
daily “punch holes” in the darkness of this world. This done when believers
daily witness about Jesus both word and deed.

Through the witness of the saints, the darkness of the world can be broken through and the Light of Christ can shine through. This world needs light-the light that Christ brings. Let us be ones who go out and punch holes in the darkness.

Michael Carter 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lord, Make us your instruments

Lord, make us your instruments of peace, ones who sow the seeds of your grace;
Use us to bring your healing message to a broken human race.
Let us be ones who bring words of hope and love to those deep in the pit of despair;
May we comfort the hurting, and show to them, love and care.
Let us console those who are hurting and are gripped with uncertainty and fear;
Let us bind up the wounded, and wipe away every tear.
Send us O’ Lord, to those who sit in sin’s dark night;
Let us bring to them, the message that shines forth your saving light.
O’ Lord, use us to be your instruments, freely giving ourselves to others;
That we may uplift and support our sisters and brothers.
Use us to reach out to those who are suffering, pain, rejection and strife;
That they will find in you, peace, hope, acceptance, and new life.

M. Carter 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

O Heart of Jesus

O’ heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father, Lord of creation;
The Fountain and the source of all life and all salvation.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ heart of Jesus, formed by the Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mother;
He came in the flesh, to be our servant and our brother.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ heart of Jesus, the propitiation of our sins;
Your rich mercy and compassion towards us never ends.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ heart of Jesus, obedient to death, you suffered in our place;
By your holy wounds, by your death, you saved us by grace.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ heart of Jesus, our life and our everlasting King:
By your glorious resurrection, you overcame death’s sharp sting.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in thee;
Lead all souls from this world to the bliss of eternity.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ Lamb of God, who takes the sin of the world away;
Lead and guide us. Give us comfort and strength each day.
Bring us through this journey, through all pain and strife;
Lead us on home, to share with you, eternal life.

Michael Carter 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blessed Jesus, be a shield of peace

Blessed Jesus, be a shield peace. Let Your peace protect and now enfold me;
Take me into Your mighty, O Savior, and forever hold me.
As I travel through the wilderness of this life, O’ Savior, guide me along the way;
With the changes and challenges of life, support and strengthen me each day.

Blessed Jesus, be a shield of peace. Let Your eternal presence surround me;
Grant me blessed quietness, so that life’s troubles will not confound me.
When the storms of trouble and sorrows arise, be not far away;
Please incline Your ear, and listen when I bow down and pray.

Blessed Jesus, be a shield of peace. Shield me daily with Your saving grace;
Be my strength, and grant to me, the endurance to run this earthly race.
As I live, let Your blessings flow down upon me, and may they not cease;
When I die, let go to heaven, and there, forever enjoy Your eternal peace.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Anima Christi (Soul of Christ)

Soul of Christ, sanctify me. By your grace, make me whole;
Come now, through your blessed sacrament, renew and strengthen my soul.
Body of Christ, save me from eternal condemnation;
Bring me O’ Savior, the joy of your salvation.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me;
By your mighty power, from sin and the devil, set me free.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me;
Make me clean from all sin and iniquity.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me each day;
Uphold me by your Spirit, so I’ll not fall away.
O’ good Jesus, hear me. Be not deaf to my plea;
Shower down your rich love and mercy.
Dear Savior within your wounds hide me;
Through all times of my life, abide with me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee;
Take me in your loving arms and hold me.
From the malignant enemy defend me;
Send down your holy angels to attend me.
In the hour of my death, call me to my home above;
Bid me to come. With your saints, I’ll glory in your love.

M. Carter 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Let us hold on to hope

LET US HOLD ON TO HOPE- Hebrews 10:23

Let us hold on to hope. Let us hold on to God’s unchanging hand;
In Him, let us press on, and find in Him, the strength and courage to stand.
Our own flesh will cause us to struggle, and will cause us to fail;
But with faith and hope, we press on; with hope and faith, we will prevail .

Struggles and sorrows will come, and on the journey, rise up to greet us;
But with hope and faith in God, our troubles will not overcome and defeat us.
The world and the devil will attack our soul, and seek to snatch our hope away;
God will keep us in hope. He will strengthen us, each new day.

Let us not place hope in the empty promises of men;
May we have hope in the promises of the Savior who overcame the power of sin.
This hope is not wasted. It is grounded in the Word, and is lasting and sure;
God’s promises are not empty. His truth and His mercy forever endure.

Let us hope in God always. Let Him daily strengthen and guide you;
God will not forsake you. He gives His Spirit to daily abide in you.
Have hope in the God who brings you safely through pain and strife;
Let us hold on to hope. Hold on to the One who grants to believers, eternal life.

Michael Carter

Friday, July 22, 2011

Pressing on in hope.

These are difficult times in which we live. Daily, we face challenges that
can both frustrate and drain us. People are struggling to either keep or
find employment, prices and costs for just about everything seem to be
rising. People are stretched thin and frustrated. It is no wonder that
some people find themselves drained of both hope and faith. Many people
have become cynical and have lost faith and hope and feel like just
giving up.

For some people, life no longer seems like an adventure, but more like
a day to day struggle. It is not hard to see why people run low on
energy and place both hope and faith in anyone or in anything that
lifts them up and helps them to keep going.

Now more then ever, people are searching for hope. Here are some words
of encouragement. The times might seem difficult and the journey
might seem long, but do not give up and hold on to faith in Christ.
He has not promised that the journey will be easy, but he has promised
to give us strength for the journey.

Through faith in Christ, we can press on; we can press on in him
who renews our hope and grants us strength. Make your journey with
courage and never lose heart. Look always to Christ and keep pressing
on in him. Keeping pressing on in faith, keep pressing on in hope.

Michael Carter

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

God our refuge-Psalm 90

Lord God, you have been our refuge. A strong source of everlasting grace;
Each day, you richly bless us. You shine upon the bright beams from your face.
From time everlasting, by your people, you are thanked and praised;
To you O God, the joyful songs of the redeemed are forever being raised.

Before all things, you existed. From everlasting to everlasting, you are God;
You are worshiped by the saints in heaven, and by those on earth who trod.
With your mighty hand, and in your image, you created man from the earth;
With the blast of your nostrils, you breathed into him, and gave him birth.

Time goes forth like a mighty wind. Time Time changes quickly from day to night;
Time to you, is like one day.A thousand years is but one day in you in your sight.
Man's life is but short. He is here for a time, then he is swept away like grass;
Though time for us is short, You O' God, shall endure and last.

In our journey, teach us to have wisdom so that we may number our days;
Lead us daily, and through your Spirit, guide us in all our ways.
O God, do not forsake us. Save and preserve us from sorrow and misery;
We ask you to look down upon and show us your mercy.

Shine down upon us O' God, your blessings that you send down from above;
Satisfy us in the morning with your presence and with your love.
That we may be glad and that we may be joyful for all our days;
Fill our mouths so that we shall be able to break forth with praise.

May your great deeds that you have shown to your servants, declare your glory;
Gladden our hearts with your presence. Open our ears to hear your story.
Support us daily, cause us to be strong. Give us the strength to stand;
Establish us, yes, establish us by the power of your mighty hand.

-Michael Carter

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm going to make it through.

Have you ever faced an overwhelming challenge during the journey that just
tested you? Did it require all of your strength and just drain you completely?
The challenge might have been so great and so overwhelming that you wondered
if you were ever going to get through it. The challenge seemed to block your
way and to dash your hopes to the point of just giving up.

Throughout the journey, we'll encounter "walls" and obstacles. These will
stand in the path and attempt to block us from moving forward. At first
they might too great to overcome, and then there's a feeling of resignation.

Then a voice whispers to us; "I'll help you to press on." We can just ignore
the voice and give up, or we can have faith and press on. If we just give
up, then we've accomplished nothing. We still might feel defeat and despair.
If we have faith in the Master, over time, we'll make it through. I do not
choose to be one who just sits in defeat. If I do; it won't last for very
long. As tough as things get, I would rather have faith in the Master and
press on. It is with faith that the Master gives to me that I can say;
"I'm going to make it through."

There's no promise that the paths along the journey will be smooth. In
fact, there will be "bumps" along the road. Some of those "bumps" will
be large and cause us to stumble, and others, we won't see until we
trip over them.

We will also encounter "walls" along the way. These might be either
people or situations that block our path. "Walls" present a greater
challenge because they can block most or even the entire path. It
is not so easy to get past this obstacle and make it through. Some
people manage to make it around them, while others remain immobilized.
These people lose hope and feel that they aren't going to make it

Some people try to hide from the challenges by turning to substance abuse.
These only drag people down even further into the pits of hopelessness
and despair. Substance abuse never helps people move forward, this only
holds people back. Such abuse creates more obstacles and walls to get
over. Challenges will come, but we do not face them alone. There is
One who will help us to make it through.

Someone once said; "With all of the obstacles that I've got before me,
how am I going to make it through?" As I've thought about it, I'm
reminded that God is able to remove obstacles. He is able to tear
down walls and to make a way. Faith in Jesus Christ allows us to
make it through. Jesus already tore down the barrier between God
and man and has made peace through his blood.

When obstacles stand in your way, you can do one of two things.
You can be stopped in your tracks, or you can take hold of Jesus
and press on. If you stop dead in your tracks, you won't make it
through. When you get to walls that block your path, what do you do?
You can either stand and stare at the wall, you could just look
over it, none of these will help. If you reach up and take hold of Christ's
unchanging hand, he'll raise you up. He'll help you to get over the walls
and make it past the obstacles. He provides the strength to make it

Let us remember that we do not make the journey alone. There are other
saints who are making the journey as well. They too, will encounter
obstacles and walls. Let us be there to encourage and to help them make
it through.

As I reflect upon the journey, I am reminded of an old gospel song
entitled; "I feel noways tired."In this song are the words;
"God didn't bring me this far just to leave me."Even though
my journey has not been easy, I still think about these words.

When you feel as if you might not make it, keep holding on to Christ's
unchanging hand. Yes, take hold of his hand and declare;
"I'm going to make it through!"

Michael Carter
From the Book:Pressing on in hope.
Due out in the fall.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'll stand with you.

It was father and son day at a church in Milwaukee. During the
worship service, the fathers and sons were invited up to the
altar to recieve a blessing from the pastor.

One of the Elders, Mr. Johnson, noticed a small boy sitting
all by himself. He did not go up front, and it didn't seem
that he had anyone to stand with him. Mr.Johnson thought
about this, and he decided to talk with the boy.

Mr. Johnson walked over to the boy. "Son, is your father here?"
"No, my daddy don't live at home. I came by myself." Mr. Johnson
then asked; "What's your name?" "Timmy." The boy said. Mr. Johnson
took Timmy's hand. "Timmy come with me; we'll both go up. You
won't be alone. I'll stand with you. Timmy took Mr. Johnson's
hand and they walked up to the front and they joined the others.

That day, Timmy did not stand alone. There was someone there
to stand with him to give him strength and support. We need
not stand alone; Jesus is with us through the journey. As
we make our way along the path,Jesus takes us by the hand.
He stands with us, and tells us: "I'll stand with you."

-Michael Carter

From the book: Pressing on in hope.
Due out later this year through

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Lord holds our hand-Psalm 37:24

The Journey through this life can be rough, filled with sorrow and pain.
As we make this journey, we'll encounter different obstacles that will
either block our path or cause us to stall along the way. There will be
temptations and situations that might cause people to take a path that
leads away from God, and towards sin and hopelessness. Along the way, many
people lose their way, and they can't find their way back on the right

Even believers will have those times when they'll stumble and lose
balance. When this happens, we are encouraged to take hold of the
Lord's hand. He is there to hold us steady and to guide us. He
will not allow us to fall and he'll set our feet back on the right

There will be times along the along the journey when you'll stumble.
There will be things that will come along that will to pull you away
from the Lord. You do not travel the journey alone. As you travel,
take hold of the Lord's hand. He'll keep you steady and he'll
guide you along the path to eternity.

-M.D. Carter(2008)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A world of many colors

I can remember when I served as a pastor, I would often have a very brief
message for the children during the worship service. This way something
that I did almost every Sunday. The lessons would always involve and
object, and I would always focus on one of the readings for that morning.
I must admit that some of the lessons went well, while others didn't.
The whole point was to have a teaching moment for both the children and
the adults.

I must had done many children messages over the years, and most of them,
I don't remember. There is one message that I do remember. The message
was simply called;A world of many colors I came across this
message as I read through the children message books that I had at
the time. As I read through the message, I felt that this was a
message for both children and adults.

The main objects for this lesson were some bags of M&M candies. I purchased
small bags of black M&M, a bag of white M&M'S, and of course, a bag
of the one with assorted colors. These were the only objects that I
needed. I knew that since I had candy, the children would really pay

During the service, I would invite the children to come up to the front,
and then I would begin the lesson. I'd start by asking if they liked
M&M candies. I knew what the answer would be. I'd ask them what made
the candies different, and they'd all say that they were different
colors. Then I'd ask them what made the candies the same, and they'd
answer that all the candies had chocolate inside.

I would hold up bags of all white and all black candies and I'd ask
them what they would think of the candies if they were only one
color. They thought that would be boring. They all liked the candies
because they were different colors. I agree. That's why I also like

I would explain to them that the world is the same way; God created
a world of many color. People who are different on the outside, but
the same on the inside. The world would be a boring place if people
were all the same. We all have different gifts and talents, and we
all have one Creator who made us all. The fact that we live in world
of many colors adds richness to life. Although we are all different,
we are apart of one family; the human family.

I look out and what I see is a world of many colors. A rich world made
up people from all walks of life, with different interests, hopes
and dreams. It is a world that has many troubles and struggles. In
this world, not everyone accepts nor respects each other. This is
sad, because when people fight amongst themselves, nothing is
accomplished. When people come together, then the walls will
come down. When there is dialogue, then we can get to know one

At times, I can be a bit of a dreamer. I see a world that can come
together. I dream of a world where people can walk together in peace.
I dream of a world where dialogue takes the place of fighting, hatred and

I dream of a world where we can celebrate the richness of every single
culture and not judge others on the basis of race, economic status,
orientation or gender. I would like to see a world where people are
judged by their character, and where people are treated with dignity
and respect. I would like the end of bigotry, discrimination. My is
to leave our children lessons of love, compassion, and faith.

The Church is a Church of many colors. The Church is made up of people
from many walks of life, who have been gathered together by the Holy
Spirit around the Word and Sacrament. This is the beauty of the Church.
In the Christian Church, the saints of all races and from all lands
are united by faith in the Savior. It is this Church that goes out
into the world with the message of salvation through faith in Christ.

God has created a world of many colors; a special world of people with
different backgrounds and gifts. Even though we are all different;
let us rejoice and celebrate the different gifts and cultures in our
world. God has made a world full of rich variety. The message of
the Gospel touches all people, and through the Gospel, all people
are blessed by him.

-Michael Carter

For the collection:

Pressing on in Hope.
Due out this year through

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