Thursday, November 20, 2008

God won't quit on you-Phil. 1:6

Has there ever been a time when you've been very discouraged? Have you ever faced challenges that have you so drained that you just want to give up? When faced with challenges, there are some people who become so overwhelmed, that they just want to give up. Some people feel that because they've made mistakes in their lives, God won't have anything to do with them. They wonder if God has turned His back on them, and has quit on them. Do you have thoughts that God has quit on you? The text from
Paul's letter to the Philippians says this:

"For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

These words tell us that God loves each of us. He has both a plan and a purpose for each of us. He has made us, and He will continue to care and work in each of us. He is faithful. God won't quit on you.


The journey through this life is not easy; there's no promise that it would be. Each day presents challenges that we must face. Life has it's share of surprises, sucesses, sorrows, and setbacks. When life is good, and things seem to be going well, people have no problem in pressing forward. When an unexpected challenge occurs, such as an illness, or the loss of income, then some people just can't keep going. The challenges of life energize some people; others just run out of steam. There those who become so discouraged and overwhelmed, that they just want to throw in the towel and give up. In both hopelessness and despair, some people fall into the trap of substance abuse. Through these, they try to find a way to ease the pains that they suffer.

There are those who look at their lives with dissatisfaction. They mull over all that they've done, and the direction their lives have taken. They might be filled with both guilt and remorse over how they have lived. In sorrow, they might cry out;"How could God forgive someone like me?" They feel that they are unworthy of God's forgiveness and mercy. There are some who have become so discouraged, that they quit on God, and on themselves. They do not feel the presence of God, nor have confidence in themselves. The hardest thing for them to do is to press on in faith. The easiest thing would be to just quit and give up.

Maybe you have had thoughts of giving up in the face of challenges. Maybe there have those times when you've thought that God has given up on you. Have you found yourself asking; "Has God quit on me?" The answer is; "No." God demostrated that He has not quit on us. He sent His own dear Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem and save us from the powers of sin, death and the devil. Through faith in Jesus, we are reminded that God does not quit on us. He has made us; and He won't walk away from us. He has given us this promise:"I will never leave you and I will never abandon you."(Hebrews 13:5


God doesn't quit on His people. This can be seen throughout the Scriptures. Even when Adam and Eve fell into sin, God didn't quit on them. God put forth a plan to repair the brokeness that sin had caused. Through His Son, He brought restoration to His people. The good work that God started in us comes through Jesus Christ. Jesus suffered and died for us, and through faith in Him, we have forgiveness and life eternal. The work still continues. The Holy Spirit calls people to faith through the Gospel, and creates faith in the human heart. He keeps believers in the faith, and gives strength to live daily the Christian life.

Through faith, believers know that the Savior will not quit on them; He empowers believers by His grace. He gives daily strength and renewal to make the journey. It is by His grace and presence that believers can stand strong in the face of life's

As you make the journey through this life, just remember that you are not alone. There's no reason to quit, but every reason to press on. God won't quit on you, and don't quit on yourself. The ride through the journey might get bumpy at times; but hold on and don't quit. Put on your safety belt and ride it out. When you're knocked to your knees, pray! Why should you keep pressing on? There are many reasons; first, God won't quit on you, second, you have potential. There are still goals to be met, dreams to be dreamt, and blessings to be received. Why quit on God or yourself? Would God ever quit on you? The answer is "No!" Life will get tough at times, but press on in faith. Do so knowing that God won't quit on you.

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