Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sweet is the name of Jesus

Sweet is the name of Jesus. The sweetest name that calms all fears;
Sweet is the name of him, who speaks words of comfort and wipes away all tears.
Comfort of the sorrowful. He gives joy to the heart;
Sweet presence of love and grace that never will depart.

Sweet is the name of Jesus. That holy name that speaks of peace and love;
Praise be to him, who showers down his rich blessing from heaven above.
He freely gave of himself for us. He is the source of all salvation and forgiveness;
He gave his Spirit to lead all believers into holiness.

Blessed be the name of Jesus. Praise to the God of our salvation;
He is worthy to be thanked and praised by all of creation.
At this most holy name, let all before him bend the knee;
Praise him all you saints. Let his name be praised, now and through all eternity.

Michael Carter 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Punching holes in the darkness

In nineteenth century London, a young boy was looking out the window of his bedroom, into the darkness. He watched a man lighting the gas street lights. The
man would go from lamp to lamp, he’d climb up a ladder, light the lamp and go
to the next one. With each lite lamp, more and more light would shine through the darkness. His mom entered the room. “What are you doing?” She asked. The boy said; “I’m watching a man punch holes in the darkness.”

There are many who sit in darkness-spiritual darkness. They sit in the darkness of sin and unbelief. Because of spiritual darkness, many can’t or won’t acknowledge that they need to be brought out of the darkness and embrace the
Light of God.

The Bible declares that the Light of God has come into the world. Jesus is that light that brings all out of the darkness of sin. All who trust in Jesus, walk not in
Darkness, but in his light. Jesus said of himself;

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never
walk in darkness; but will have the light of life.”
(John 8:12)

There is much darkness in our world. There are many people who are walking
in darkness and need the light of Christ. The task of the people of God is to
daily “punch holes” in the darkness of this world. This done when believers
daily witness about Jesus both word and deed.

Through the witness of the saints, the darkness of the world can be broken through and the Light of Christ can shine through. This world needs light-the light that Christ brings. Let us be ones who go out and punch holes in the darkness.

Michael Carter 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lord, Make us your instruments

Lord, make us your instruments of peace, ones who sow the seeds of your grace;
Use us to bring your healing message to a broken human race.
Let us be ones who bring words of hope and love to those deep in the pit of despair;
May we comfort the hurting, and show to them, love and care.
Let us console those who are hurting and are gripped with uncertainty and fear;
Let us bind up the wounded, and wipe away every tear.
Send us O’ Lord, to those who sit in sin’s dark night;
Let us bring to them, the message that shines forth your saving light.
O’ Lord, use us to be your instruments, freely giving ourselves to others;
That we may uplift and support our sisters and brothers.
Use us to reach out to those who are suffering, pain, rejection and strife;
That they will find in you, peace, hope, acceptance, and new life.

M. Carter 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

O Heart of Jesus

O’ heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father, Lord of creation;
The Fountain and the source of all life and all salvation.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ heart of Jesus, formed by the Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mother;
He came in the flesh, to be our servant and our brother.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ heart of Jesus, the propitiation of our sins;
Your rich mercy and compassion towards us never ends.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ heart of Jesus, obedient to death, you suffered in our place;
By your holy wounds, by your death, you saved us by grace.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ heart of Jesus, our life and our everlasting King:
By your glorious resurrection, you overcame death’s sharp sting.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in thee;
Lead all souls from this world to the bliss of eternity.
Be our comfort and strengthen us through all pain and strife;
Have mercy O’ Lord, and bring us to eternal life.

O’ Lamb of God, who takes the sin of the world away;
Lead and guide us. Give us comfort and strength each day.
Bring us through this journey, through all pain and strife;
Lead us on home, to share with you, eternal life.

Michael Carter 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blessed Jesus, be a shield of peace

Blessed Jesus, be a shield peace. Let Your peace protect and now enfold me;
Take me into Your mighty, O Savior, and forever hold me.
As I travel through the wilderness of this life, O’ Savior, guide me along the way;
With the changes and challenges of life, support and strengthen me each day.

Blessed Jesus, be a shield of peace. Let Your eternal presence surround me;
Grant me blessed quietness, so that life’s troubles will not confound me.
When the storms of trouble and sorrows arise, be not far away;
Please incline Your ear, and listen when I bow down and pray.

Blessed Jesus, be a shield of peace. Shield me daily with Your saving grace;
Be my strength, and grant to me, the endurance to run this earthly race.
As I live, let Your blessings flow down upon me, and may they not cease;
When I die, let go to heaven, and there, forever enjoy Your eternal peace.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Anima Christi (Soul of Christ)

Soul of Christ, sanctify me. By your grace, make me whole;
Come now, through your blessed sacrament, renew and strengthen my soul.
Body of Christ, save me from eternal condemnation;
Bring me O’ Savior, the joy of your salvation.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me;
By your mighty power, from sin and the devil, set me free.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me;
Make me clean from all sin and iniquity.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me each day;
Uphold me by your Spirit, so I’ll not fall away.
O’ good Jesus, hear me. Be not deaf to my plea;
Shower down your rich love and mercy.
Dear Savior within your wounds hide me;
Through all times of my life, abide with me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee;
Take me in your loving arms and hold me.
From the malignant enemy defend me;
Send down your holy angels to attend me.
In the hour of my death, call me to my home above;
Bid me to come. With your saints, I’ll glory in your love.

M. Carter 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Let us hold on to hope

LET US HOLD ON TO HOPE- Hebrews 10:23

Let us hold on to hope. Let us hold on to God’s unchanging hand;
In Him, let us press on, and find in Him, the strength and courage to stand.
Our own flesh will cause us to struggle, and will cause us to fail;
But with faith and hope, we press on; with hope and faith, we will prevail .

Struggles and sorrows will come, and on the journey, rise up to greet us;
But with hope and faith in God, our troubles will not overcome and defeat us.
The world and the devil will attack our soul, and seek to snatch our hope away;
God will keep us in hope. He will strengthen us, each new day.

Let us not place hope in the empty promises of men;
May we have hope in the promises of the Savior who overcame the power of sin.
This hope is not wasted. It is grounded in the Word, and is lasting and sure;
God’s promises are not empty. His truth and His mercy forever endure.

Let us hope in God always. Let Him daily strengthen and guide you;
God will not forsake you. He gives His Spirit to daily abide in you.
Have hope in the God who brings you safely through pain and strife;
Let us hold on to hope. Hold on to the One who grants to believers, eternal life.

Michael Carter

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