In Acts 17:16-22, the Apostle Paul was in the city of Athens. He had traveled there to await Timothy and Silas who had remained in Bera. While Paul waited for them, he did not remain idle. He went about the city and visited the many temples there. He also spent time in the synagogue and debated with the Jews concerning Jesus Christ. Through his powerful testimony, he proved to them that Jesus is God. Paul did not limit his activity to the synagogue, he also went to the public market public. There in the market place, Paul boldly proclaimed the message of Jesus Christ. The Greeks were always interested in hearing new teachings, and they listened intently to Paul. Some of the Greeks considered Paul's message to be nothing more then pure nonsense. However, they still wanted to hear more about Paul's message. Paul was taken before a body that was called the Areopagus. This was a court that dealt with the moral and religious issues that were taught in public. Paul stood before this council and boldly proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some of the Greeks scoffed at Paul's words, while others believed Paul's testimony.
Paul's straight forward testimony had been rejected by most of the intellectuals that were present, but Paul continued to preach the Good News. While his preaching did not yield much fruit, the Spirit still added to the Church through the message.
The early Christians also publicly proclaimed Jesus, knowing that they faced great risks. Yet, they also knew that Jesus stood with them. They believed that the Holy Spirit would grant them boldness as they proclaimed the truth. They preached publicly the message to many who were hostile to Jesus. They suffered much persecution for the faith, but they still held on to Christ. They sought to remain faithful to Christ and to carry out His Great Commission.(Matt 28:16-20)
Since the time of the early Church, believers have boldly spoken of Christ in the public square. Through it's ministry, the message of Christ continues to be lifted up to a world in need of the message. The world has not always welcomed the message and through the ages has fought against it. As the Church proclaims Christ, it must always be faithful to it's confession and "fight the good fight". It must not wavier nor compromise preaching both the Law and the Gospel. It dare not "water down" the message, but preach it faithfully and without fear.
The Church proclaims the message in a world that has often rejected and ignored it's witness. Yet, the Church has always pressed on in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through the ministry of Word and Sacrament, the Holy Spirit still continues to change lives and bring souls to the Savior. The Spirit still guides and builds the Church in it's task. There have been, and are still times when the Church strays from it's mission. The Spirit raises up individuals to remind the Church of it's primary task. This task should be to proclaim the Gospel. There is no other task before this.
When the faithful Church spoke and ministered, it always held up the name of Jesus Christ. It's sole agenda was to preach Christ, and only Christ. This should still be the sole agenda of the Church. However, some Churches have departed from this mission. Some Churches preach messages that are not faithful to the Gospel. Some of these Churches promote teachings that make people feel good, and focus more on themselves rather than the cross. They follow the opinions of the culture, then the command of Christ. They do not teach the doctrines of Christ, but the doctrines of men. Christ will harshly judge them for their false doctrines. When the faithful Church speaks, it proclaims no other message then the cross. It does not bow before the altar of public opinion, but before the altar of Christ.
The times have surely changed. We are living in an age of religious pluralism. This term refers to the view that no one religion is the sole and exclusive source of truth. Someone might ask; "How do you know that your religion is the only source of truth?" Those who hold this view believe that some truth and values exist in all religions. As a result, some that all religions have a way to salvation. The Scriptures do not teach this. What do the Scriptures say? Jesus said; "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."(John 14:6} The blessed Apostle Paul wrote;"For there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." The Scriptures teach and the faithful Church proclaims the message of Christ. He is the sole source of truth, and that He alone is the way to salvation.(Acts 4:12) Many in the world might like this message, but it the truth. The faithful Church cannot remain silent, but preach this message.
As the Church engages the world, it needs to remember that it always bears witness to Christ. The visible Church will always have it's share of struggle and conflict. There is no perfect Church; it is made up sinners who daily need repentance and forgiveness. The Church in this world has to endure much. It has endured struggles and scandals within it's walls, and also the attacks from both the devil and an unbelieving world. Through all of these challenges and struggles, may the Church never lose sight of the Master. He has promised to always abide with His Church.(Matt.28:20) Because the Lord abides with His Church, it can press on. The Church will always preach the Word in the public square. Because it stand on Christ, neither the devil nor the world will ever silence the message.
There are those who said that the Church is no longer relevant. Their argument is that the Church's message outdated and does not address the times. This is not true. The Church's message is irrelevant if it no longer preaches pure doctrine. The message of the Gospel will always be relevant. It is a message that all still need to hear. It is a message that speaks to all people and points all people to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a message of repentance and forgiveness through faith in Christ. It speaks to the entire human condition and gives both comfort and strength in Christ. Many things in this world will no longer and pass away, but the Word stands forever. Scripture declares; "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God stands forever." (Is. 40:8)
The Church still speaks. The cross still stands. Even though the Church still faces
great challenges, it still has the Lord's command to preach the Word. The times have changed, but the needs have not changed. The call to repentance still must be sounded, and the Gospel of salvation still proclaimed. There will always be those who wish to silence the message of the Gospel. Many have tried; but no have been successful. The Church stands on the solid rock of Christ(Matt. 16:18)His message and truth shall forever endure.
The Church still has the challenge to boldly speak in the public square. This is not a time for the Church to turn inward nor retreat. This is a time for faith, zeal, and action. The Church does go out alone. It has the Holy Spirit to both guide and strengthen it. The Church must always stand in the public square and proclaim: "A
changeless Christ, for a changing world."
"Everlasting God, whose will it that all should
come to you through your Son Jesus Christ:
Inspire our witness to him, that all may know
the power of his forgiveness and the hope of
his resurrection: who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
- Prayer for the Mission of the Church, Book of Common Prayer.
This is a collection writings that explore the meaning of faith in everyday life.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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